Lab news
September 2024- Congratulations to Bonnie and Annette on their beautiful NELF review. You can read it here.
August 2024-Congratulations to Nika on her new role as a Science Writer at Flywheel. We will miss you and best of luck in your new position!
August 2024- The lab went to a historic Red Sox game.
August 2024- Welcome to Hanno Brach! Hanno joins our KOODAC team as a technical associate.
August 2024- Congratulations to Abdallah! His work with the Bartel lab on Ago2 was posted to bioRxiv.
August 2024- Thank you to Praise Lasekan for being part of the lab as an MSRP student over the summer. Praise presented his work at the MSRP poster session.
June 2024- Welcome to Alexandra D’Ordine! Alexandra joins our KOODAC team as a staff scientist.
May 2024- Congratulations Nika on officially graduating-first PhD out of the lab!
May 2024- Congratulations to TJ, Katha, and Annika for their work on MYCN and RNA being published!
May 2024- Congratulations to Annette on her co-author Neuron paper!
March 2024- Nika defended her PhD to a packed room. Congrats on presenting your beautiful work!
March 2024- We thank Cancer Grand Challenges for funding our work as part of team KOODAC.
February 2024- Bonnie’s paper on distinct NELF conformations is online at Molecular Cell. Congratulations Bonnie on a beautiful story!
January 2024- Bonnie’s paper is accepted for publication
November 2023- Mohammed Hannan joins the lab as our new lab manager! Welcome Mohammed!
October 2023- Bonnie presents her latest work at the New England Cryo-EM symposium.
October 2023- Bonnie gives a great presentation at Supergroup on her latest results!
September 2023- The lab is officially an HHMI Freeman Hrabowski Scholar Lab. Thank you HHMI!
August 2023- Nika presents her work at the Penn State Chromatin and Transcription Meeting.
June 2023- Abdallah Mohamed gives a fantastic presentation at the Building 68 retreat.
June 2023- Theresa Hauck defends her Masters Thesis. Congrats Theresa!
May 2023- Annette Diao passes her prelim. Well done, Annette!
April 2023-Annette Diao is awarded the presitigous NSERC pre-doctoral fellowship. Congrats Annette!
April 2023- Nika Fendler is named a MIT Graduate Woman of Excellence. Congrats Nika!
April 2023- Katharina Schneider joins the lab for an internship. Welcome Katha!
February 2023- Roberto presents his latest results at Supergroup.
February 2023- Annika Brem joins the lab for her Masters Thesis. Welcome Annika!